
Articles Posted in Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)


When is it a Good Idea to Take the Field Sobriety Test in a DUI Stop?

Contrary to popular belief,sa field sobriety test is not always mandatory in a DUI arrest. The field sobriety test is the blood alcohol test that is required by officers at the scene of the DUI stop. They will often ask if you will blow in a breathalyzer so that they…


Does it Negatively Impact my Los Angeles DUI Case is my Blood Alcohol Level is Over .08%?

One of the biggest elements of a DUI case is the blood alcohol level. Under California Penal Code §23152, and §23153, it is not necessary for a person’s blood alcohol level to be over .08% for them to be charged and convicted of driving under the influence. The law is…


Does it Hurt my San Diego DUI Case if my DMV Hearing is Continued?

When a person is arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, it is very important that they promptly call the DMV and schedule a DMV hearing within 10 days of the arrest. The DMV hearing is separate from the criminal proceedings in criminal court. The criminal case is heard…


Does it Benefit my DUI case if my Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer knows the Court?

Many of oursclients ask us about our experience with the Courts in Los Angeles county. I have been in and out of these courtrooms for over thirty years. There is a distinct advantage to knowing not only the courtroom, but the Judges, the Prosecutors and even the Clerks. If you…


Does my Blood Alcohol Level have an Influence on my Los Angeles DUI Case?

Many different facts and circumstances help determine the outcome of a person’s driving under the influence case. When you have been charged under California Penal Code §23152, or 23153, one of the most influential pieces of evidence will be your blood alcohol level, or BAC. When a person has been…


What are the Consequences of Admission Statements Made During a DUI?

Many of our clients are worried about the statements they make to an officer during a DUI stop. Generally the officer must have a reason to stop you while you are driving. This reason can be any violation of the vehicle code. For example,sif you are missing a license plate,…


What Blood Alcohol Tests Are Required in a Los Angeles DUI Stop?

Many of our clients are curious as to how an experienced Los Angeles DUI Lawyer can defend a refusal case. A refusal case is one in which the drive has refused to take a blood alcohol test and therefore, the prosecutors have no evidence as to the percentage of their…

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