
Articles Posted in Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)


How Can Someone Be Found Guilty of a Los Angeles DUI if There is no Blood or Breath Test?

Contrary to what some people may think, a DUI case against a person is not dismissed based simply on the fact that there is no blood alcohol content (BAC) reading. Many people think that if they refuse to take a BAC test, then there is no evidence or proof against…


What are the Consequences When an Admonishment of Rights has not been Read for a Refusal in a Southern California DUI Case?

During a routine DUI stop in Southern California, the officers will ask the driver to submit themselves for a field sobriety test. This is usually a breathalyzer test administered at the site of the stop and gives officers a preliminary idea regarding the person’s blood alcohol content (BAC). This BAC…


Refusal to Take a BAC Test Due to Inability in a San Diego DUI Case

If a person is charged with a DUI, and they refused to take a breath or blood test at the time of the arrest, they may face additional consequences if convicted. When a driver is issued a California license, they give implied consent to submit for a blood alcohol test…


What are the Potential Consequences for Refusing to take a Blood Alcohol Test During a Los Angeles DUI Stop?

When a person is stopped and asked to take a Blood Alcohol Test, a refusal to do so, may lead to serious consequences. When a person is granted the privileges of driving in California, along with the obligations and duties is implied consent to cooperate if a driver is questioned…


Fighting Drunk Driving Charges Involving Low Blood Alcohol Readings in Los Angeles Courtroom’s

California state law prohibits anyone from driving a motor vehicle when your driving ability is impaired under section 23152 (a) of the vehicle code. Drivers are also prohibited under section 23152 (b) of the vehicle code to drive a motor vehicle when their blood alcohol level is a .08% or…


Factors that Affect the Blood Alcohol Level and Potential Errors in a Los Angeles BAC Reading

Many different factors come together to affect the rate of alcohol absorption, how quickly it is distributed into your blood stream and how quickly it is eliminated from your body. Alcohol absorption is affected by the food you have ingested and the type of drink. When food is eaten along…


DUI Breath And Blood Testing… Which is a Better Choice After Being Arrested For a California Drunk Driving Case

This is a very good question. There are two kinds of chemical tests under California state law to determine a driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) at the time he was stopped on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both. Until recently, there was also a urine…


Drinking Smart in Los Angeles… Effective Strategies to Avoid Getting Arrested For Drunk Driving

There is nothing illegal about drinking alcohol. There or is also nothing illegal about drinking alcohol and driving. It is only against the law to drive a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level (BAC) of .08% or more. The state of California created this law under section 23152 of…

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