For the government to create a strong DUI case against you , the case needs to have all requisite elements which create the Prima Facie case. There must be proper probable cause and a Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) that can be considered illegal under the appropriate vehicle code.
Probable cause is a complicated element. It is most commonly established by the manner in which you are caught driving. An experienced California DUI attorney has seen a plentitude of driving situations which have led to a DUI arrest and knows how to present the case so that it is most advantageous to the client. These are the benefits of hiring an attorney that not only specializes in DUI arrests, but has plenty of experience and knows how to handle each situation before the Judge.
Furthermore, there must be a BAC that is over the legal limit. Vehicle Codes 23152 and 23153 dictate the legal BAC. While the legal limit under VC 23152 (b) and 23153 (b) is set at .08%, it is possible to be charged with a lower BAC under section (a) of both sections of the Vehicle Code.s